Starting The Secret
I started to read the secret about two months ago, and although it is a relatively short book, there is so much to cover and study, and re-study.
I read the first few pages and thought: “ Ok, my thoughts become reality. Easy” but is it?
I guess in theory yes.
They say in the secret that our feelings are most powerful and that they are also an indication to our thoughts. Good thoughts = good feelings = good thoughts.
I thought I knew what my desire for the future is, I thought that understanding and controlling my thoughts was automatic, given that they are my thoughts…boy was I wrong.
So what do I want?
Turns out I have a very vague idea. I have some leads, I know I love to help others, I like to bring people up.
I have a 27 year long passion for advertising and 30 years of being passionate about discovering the world online.
“Let the universe take care of the how” — I guess since I am not sure where I want to end up I am not getting far.
With that being said, I already know that I want to be happy as well as help people, and I know that I want to think positively. That alone has already made a difference.
It’s so easy to get caught in the negative, it’s so easy to judge and get angry, sometimes it’s almost tempting. I don’t know the science behind that but it feels like the adrenaline I get when I am angry at someone is somewhat intoxicating. I call it the bitter-bug.
You walk into work, and your coworker is being really standoffish, even mean or rude, and you think “God what an a**hole!” Then you notice some trash on the floor. “People are such animals” and then you hear the honking of the horns outside from the street and you are going insane.
That’s one scenario. The second scenario, instead of thinking “What an a**hole” You ask them if everything is ok. When you pick up the trash you don’t have to notice it, and then the car horns don’t even exist.
When I have a good “feeling” about my shift at work, it is always a good shift.
Every time I read about the law of love, or think about it, I always think “Well Duh!”
I still need to be reminded.
Think positive. It won’t help to start a 30 min conversation with your friend about what an a**hole someone is, it won’t even make you feel better, just, affirm your anger.
Reminding myself to think positively has already made a big impact on my life. I just feel “good” all the time. When I don’t, I know why, it’s because of what I am thinking, or choosing to put my focus on.